Cypher, Douglas Aaron Ramsey is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character appears usually in the X-Men family of books, in particular those featuring The New Mutants, of which Cypher has been a member.

He is a mutant with the ability to easily understand any language, whether spoken or written.

Doug was offered a scholarship to attend Emma Frost’s Massachusetts Academy. He did not know at the time that Emma Frost was one of the X-Men’s adversaries. When Kitty Pryde accompanied him on his first trip to the Academy, she was captured, and later rescued by the New Mutants.

Though Doug’s memory of the mutant-related events was wiped by Frost, he does not accept the scholarship for reasons not elaborated on.

doug-ramsey-net-worthDoug Ramsey’s net worth

Douglas Wayne Ramsey has an estimated Net Worth of $100,7 Million as of 2022. Doug Ramsey was born to Philip and Sheila Ramsey.

Doug became friends with Kitty Pryde, whom he met after she moved to Westchester County to join Charles Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters, and with whom he shares an interest in video games, computers, and computer technology.

Kitty’s talent for building hardware complements Doug’s skill at writing software.
